Tuesday, October 11, 2011

looking up for a good interview at Indian army

good morning friends...  there was interview of Indian Army on 8th .we went there.. but many student were there.. they couldn;t finish up , and left r to be interviewed on 15th , i am in one of them.. so ready for preparation , they r asking d general question from our core subject and some general knowledge ,  they r just cheking our communication skill and our basic concept. Mte is still going on ..2 papers r left on same day (12th) both r important and tough ... one is Data structure - out of reach , confused and not interested . another is microprocessor - good upto some extent..
The king of Ghazal , Jagjit Singh ,70,passed away today at 8:10 am. he had a brain haemorrhage since sep 23 . he was admitted in Lilavati hospital. His nick name was Jeet , he sung many popular ghazals in hindi , urdu ,punjabi and nepali, and also for movies too. May god give peace to his soul.
ok..take care..

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